Source code for ht.air_cooler

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2016, Caleb Bell <>

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from math import atan, log10, sin

from fluids.constants import hp, minute
from fluids.core import Prandtl, Reynolds

from ht.conv_tube_bank import ESDU_tube_row_correction
from ht.core import LMTD, WALL_FACTOR_PRANDTL, fin_efficiency_Kern_Kraus, wall_factor

__all__ = ['Ft_aircooler', 'air_cooler_noise_GPSA',
           'air_cooler_noise_Mukherjee', 'h_Briggs_Young',
           'h_ESDU_high_fin', 'h_ESDU_low_fin', 'h_Ganguli_VDI', 'dP_ESDU_high_fin',

fin_densities_inch = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11] # fins/inch
fin_densities = [275.6, 315.0, 354.3, 393.7, 433.1] # [round(i/0.0254, 1) for i in fin_densities_inch]
ODs = [1, 1.25, 1.5, 2] # Actually though, just use TEMA. API 661 says 1 inch min.
fin_heights = [0.010, 0.012, 0.016] # m

tube_orientations = ['vertical (inlet at bottom)', 'vertical (inlet at top)', 'horizontal', 'inclined']

_fan_diameters = [0.71, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.24, 1.385, 1.585, 1.78, 1.98, 2.22, 2.475, 2.775, 3.12, 3.515, 4.455, 4.95, 5.545, 6.24, 7.03, 7.92, 8.91, 9.9, 10.4, 11.1, 12.4, 13.85, 15.85]

fan_ring_types = ['straight', 'flanged',  'bell', '15 degree cone', '30 degree cone']

fin_constructions = ['extruded', 'embedded', 'L-footed', 'overlapped L-footed', 'externally bonded', 'knurled footed']

headers = ['plug', 'removable cover', 'removable bonnet', 'welded bonnet']
configurations = ['forced draft', 'natural draft', 'induced-draft (top drive)', 'induced-draft (bottom drive)']

# Coefs are from: Roetzel and Nicole - 1975 - Mean Temperature Difference for Heat Exchanger Design A General Approximate Explicit Equation
# Checked twice.

_crossflow_1_row_1_pass = [[-4.62E-1, -3.13E-2, -1.74E-1, -4.2E-2],
                           [5.08E0, 5.29E-1, 1.32E0, 3.47E-1],
                           [-1.57E1, -2.37E0, -2.93E0, -8.53E-1],
                           [1.72E1, 3.18E0, 1.99E0, 6.49E-1]]

_crossflow_2_rows_1_pass = [[-3.34E-1, -1.54E-1, -8.65E-2, 5.53E-2],
                            [3.3E0, 1.28E0, 5.46E-1, -4.05E-1],
                            [-8.7E0, -3.35E0, -9.29E-1, 9.53E-1],
                            [8.7E0, 2.83E0, 4.71E-1, -7.17E-1]]

_crossflow_3_rows_1_pass = [[-8.74E-2, -3.18E-2, -1.83E-2, 7.1E-3],
                            [1.05E0, 2.74E-1, 1.23E-1, -4.99E-2],
                            [-2.45E0, -7.46E-1, -1.56E-1, 1.09E-1],
                            [3.21E0, 6.68E-1, 6.17E-2, -7.46E-2]]

_crossflow_4_rows_1_pass = [[-4.14E-2, -1.39E-2, -7.23E-3, 6.1E-3],
                            [6.15E-1, 1.23E-1, 5.66E-2, -4.68E-2],
                            [-1.2E0, -3.45E-1, -4.37E-2, 1.07E-1],
                            [2.06E0, 3.18E-1, 1.11E-2, -7.57E-2]]

_crossflow_2_rows_2_pass = [[-2.35E-1, -7.73E-2, -5.98E-2, 5.25E-3],
                            [2.28E0, 6.32E-1, 3.64E-1, -1.27E-2],
                            [-6.44E0, -1.63E0, -6.13E-1, -1.14E-2],
                            [6.24E0, 1.35E0, 2.76E-1, 2.72E-2]]

_crossflow_3_rows_3_pass = [[-8.43E-1, 3.02E-2, 4.8E-1, 8.12E-2],
                            [5.85E0, -9.64E-3, -3.28E0, -8.34E-1],
                            [-1.28E1, -2.28E-1, 7.11E0, 2.19E0],
                            [9.24E0, 2.66E-1, -4.9E0, -1.69E0]]

_crossflow_4_rows_4_pass = [[-3.39E-1, 2.77E-2, 1.79E-1, -1.99E-2],
                            [2.38E0, -9.99E-2, -1.21E0, 4E-2],
                            [-5.26E0, 9.04E-2, 2.62E0, 4.94E-2],
                            [3.9E0, -8.45E-4, -1.81E0, -9.81E-2]]

_crossflow_4_rows_2_pass = [[-6.05E-1, 2.31E-2, 2.94E-1, 1.98E-2],
                            [4.34E0, 5.9E-3, -1.99E0, -3.05E-1],
                            [-9.72E0, -2.48E-1, 4.32, 8.97E-1],
                            [7.54E0, 2.87E-1, -3E0, -7.31E-1]]

[docs]def Ft_aircooler(Thi, Tho, Tci, Tco, Ntp=1, rows=1): r'''Calculates log-mean temperature difference correction factor for a crossflow heat exchanger, as in an Air Cooler. Method presented in [1]_, fit to other's nonexplicit work. Error is < 0.1%. Requires number of rows and tube passes as well as stream temperatures. .. math:: F_T = 1 - \sum_{i=1}^m \sum_{k=1}^n a_{i,k}(1-r_{1,m})^k\sin(2i\arctan R) .. math:: R = \frac{T_{hi} - T_{ho}}{T_{co}-T_{ci}} .. math:: r_{1,m} = \frac{\Delta T_{lm}}{T_{hi} - T_{ci}} Parameters ---------- Thi : float Temperature of hot fluid in [K] Tho : float Temperature of hot fluid out [K] Tci : float Temperature of cold fluid in [K] Tco : float Temperature of cold fluid out [K] Ntp : int Number of passes the tubeside fluid will flow through [-] rows : int Number of rows of tubes [-] Returns ------- Ft : float Log-mean temperature difference correction factor [-] Notes ----- This equation assumes that the hot fluid is tubeside, as in the case of air coolers. The model is not symmetric, so ensure to switch around the inputs if using this function for other purposes. This equation appears in [1]_. It has been verified. For some cases, approximations are made to match coefficients with the number of tube passes and rows provided. 16 coefficients are used for each case; 8 cases are considered: * 1 row 1 pass * 2 rows 1 pass * 2 rows 2 passes * 3 rows 1 pass * 3 rows 3 passes * 4 rows 1 pass * 4 rows 2 passes * 4 rows 4 passes Examples -------- >>> Ft_aircooler(Thi=125., Tho=45., Tci=25., Tco=95., Ntp=1, rows=4) 0.550509360409 References ---------- .. [1] Roetzel, W., and F. J. L. Nicole. "Mean Temperature Difference for Heat Exchanger Design-A General Approximate Explicit Equation." Journal of Heat Transfer 97, no. 1 (February 1, 1975): 5-8. doi:10.1115/1.3450288 ''' dTlm = LMTD(Thi=Thi, Tho=Tho, Tci=Tci, Tco=Tco) rlm = dTlm/(Thi-Tci) R = (Thi-Tho)/(Tco-Tci) # P = (Tco-Tci)/(Thi-Tci) if Ntp == 1 and rows == 1: coefs = _crossflow_1_row_1_pass elif Ntp == 1 and rows == 2: coefs = _crossflow_2_rows_1_pass elif Ntp == 1 and rows == 3: coefs = _crossflow_3_rows_1_pass elif Ntp == 1 and rows == 4: coefs = _crossflow_4_rows_1_pass elif Ntp == 1 and rows > 4: # A reasonable assumption coefs = _crossflow_4_rows_1_pass elif Ntp == 2 and rows == 2: coefs = _crossflow_2_rows_2_pass elif Ntp == 3 and rows == 3: coefs = _crossflow_3_rows_3_pass elif Ntp == 4 and rows == 4: coefs = _crossflow_4_rows_4_pass elif Ntp > 4 and rows > 4 and Ntp == rows: # A reasonable assumption coefs = _crossflow_4_rows_4_pass elif Ntp == 2 and rows == 4: coefs = _crossflow_4_rows_2_pass else: # A bad assumption, but hey, gotta pick something. coefs = _crossflow_4_rows_2_pass tot = 0.0 atanR2 = 2.0*atan(R) N = len(coefs) sine_terms = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): sine_terms[i] = sin((i + 1.)*atanR2) x0 = one_m_rlm_orig = 1.0 - rlm for k in range(N): coeffs_k = coefs[k] tot_i = 0.0 for i in range(N): tot_i += coeffs_k[i]*sine_terms[i] tot += tot_i*x0 x0 *= one_m_rlm_orig return 1. - tot
[docs]def air_cooler_noise_GPSA(tip_speed, power): r'''Calculates the noise generated by an air cooler bay with one fan according to the GPSA handbook [1]_. .. math:: \text{PWL[dB(A)]} = 56 + 30\log_{10}\left( \frac{\text{tip speed} [m/min]}{304.8 [m/min]}\right) + 10\log_{10}( \text{power}[hp]) Parameters ---------- tip_speed : float Tip speed of the air cooler fan blades, [m/s] power : float Shaft power of single fan motor, [W] Returns ------- noise : float Sound pressure level at 1 m from source, [dB(A)] Notes ----- Internal units are in m/minute, and hp. Examples -------- Example problem from GPSA [1]_. >>> air_cooler_noise_GPSA(tip_speed=3177/minute, power=25.1*hp) 100.5368047795 References ---------- .. [1] GPSA. "Engineering Data Book, SI." 13th edition. Gas Processors Suppliers Association (2012). ''' tip_speed = tip_speed*minute # convert tip speed to m/minute power = power/hp # convert power from W to hp return 56.0 + 30.0*log10(tip_speed/304.8) + 10.0*log10(power)
[docs]def air_cooler_noise_Mukherjee(tip_speed, power, fan_diameter, induced=False): r'''Calculates the noise generated by an air cooler bay with one fan according to [1]_. .. math:: \text{SPL[dB(A)]} = 46 + 30\log_{10}\text{(tip speed)}[m/s] + 10\log_{10}( \text{power}[hp]) - 20 \log_{10}(D_{fan}) Parameters ---------- tip_speed : float Tip speed of the air cooler fan blades, [m/s] power : float Shaft power of single fan motor, [W] fan_diameter : float Diameter of air cooler fan, [m] induced : bool Whether the air cooler is forced air (False) or induced air (True), [-] Returns ------- noise : float Sound pressure level at 1 m from source (p0=2E-5 Pa), [dB(A)] Notes ----- Internal units are in m/minute, hp, and m. If the air cooler is induced, the sound pressure level is reduced by 3 dB. Examples -------- >>> air_cooler_noise_Mukherjee(tip_speed=3177/minute, power=25.1*hp, fan_diameter=4.267) 99.1102632909 References ---------- .. [1] Mukherjee, R., and Geoffrey Hewitt. Practical Thermal Design of Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers. New York: Begell House Publishers Inc.,U.S., 2007. ''' noise = 46.0 + 30.0*log10(tip_speed) + 10.0*log10(power/hp) - 20.0*log10(fan_diameter) if induced: noise -= 3.0 return noise
[docs]def h_Briggs_Young(m, A, A_min, A_increase, A_fin, A_tube_showing, tube_diameter, fin_diameter, fin_thickness, bare_length, rho, Cp, mu, k, k_fin): r'''Calculates the air side heat transfer coefficient for an air cooler or other finned tube bundle with the formulas of Briggs and Young [1]_, [2]_ [3]_. .. math:: Nu = 0.134Re^{0.681} Pr^{0.33}\left(\frac{S}{h}\right)^{0.2} \left(\frac{S}{b}\right)^{0.1134} Parameters ---------- m : float Mass flow rate of air across the tube bank, [kg/s] A : float Surface area of combined finned and non-finned area exposed for heat transfer, [m^2] A_min : float Minimum air flow area, [m^2] A_increase : float Ratio of actual surface area to bare tube surface area :math:`A_{increase} = \frac{A_{tube}}{A_{bare, total/tube}}`, [-] A_fin : float Surface area of all fins in the bundle, [m^2] A_tube_showing : float Area of the bare tube which is exposed in the bundle, [m^2] tube_diameter : float Diameter of the bare tube, [m] fin_diameter : float Outer diameter of each tube after including the fin on both sides, [m] fin_thickness : float Thickness of the fins, [m] bare_length : float Length of bare tube between two fins :math:`\text{bare length} = \text{fin interval} - t_{fin}`, [m] rho : float Average (bulk) density of air across the tube bank, [kg/m^3] Cp : float Average (bulk) heat capacity of air across the tube bank, [J/kg/K] mu : float Average (bulk) viscosity of air across the tube bank, [Pa*s] k : float Average (bulk) thermal conductivity of air across the tube bank, [W/m/K] k_fin : float Thermal conductivity of the fin, [W/m/K] Returns ------- h_bare_tube_basis : float Air side heat transfer coefficient on a bare-tube surface area as if there were no fins present basis, [W/K/m^2] Notes ----- The limits on this equation are 1000 < Re < 8000 , 11.13 mm < D_o < 40.89 mm, 1.42 mm < fin height < 16.57 mm, 0.33 mm < fin thickness < 2.02 mm, 1.30 mm < fin pitch < 4.06 mm, and 24.49 mm < normal pitch < 111 mm. Examples -------- >>> from fluids.geometry import AirCooledExchanger >>> from scipy.constants import inch >>> AC = AirCooledExchanger(tube_rows=4, tube_passes=4, tubes_per_row=20, tube_length=3, ... tube_diameter=1*inch, fin_thickness=0.000406, fin_density=1/0.002309, ... pitch_normal=.06033, pitch_parallel=.05207, ... fin_height=0.0159, tube_thickness=(.0254-.0186)/2, ... bundles_per_bay=1, parallel_bays=1, corbels=True) >>> h_Briggs_Young(m=21.56, A=AC.A, A_min=AC.A_min, A_increase=AC.A_increase, A_fin=AC.A_fin, ... A_tube_showing=AC.A_tube_showing, tube_diameter=AC.tube_diameter, ... fin_diameter=AC.fin_diameter, bare_length=AC.bare_length, ... fin_thickness=AC.fin_thickness, ... rho=1.161, Cp=1007., mu=1.85E-5, k=0.0263, k_fin=205) 1422.872240323 References ---------- .. [1] Briggs, D.E., and Young, E.H., 1963, "Convection Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Air Flowing across Triangular Banks of Finned Tubes", Chemical Engineering Progress Symp., Series 41, No. 59. Chem. Eng. Prog. Symp. Series No. 41, "Heat Transfer - Houston". .. [2] Mukherjee, R., and Geoffrey Hewitt. Practical Thermal Design of Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers. New York: Begell House Publishers Inc.,U.S., 2007. .. [3] Kroger, Detlev. Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers and Cooling Towers: Thermal-Flow Performance Evaluation and Design, Vol. 1. Tulsa, Okl: PennWell Corp., 2004. ''' fin_height = 0.5*(fin_diameter - tube_diameter) V_max = m/(A_min*rho) Re = Reynolds(V=V_max, D=tube_diameter, rho=rho, mu=mu) Pr = Prandtl(Cp=Cp, mu=mu, k=k) Nu = 0.134*Re**0.681*Pr**(1/3.)*(bare_length/fin_height)**0.2*(bare_length/fin_thickness)**0.1134 h = k/tube_diameter*Nu efficiency = fin_efficiency_Kern_Kraus(Do=tube_diameter, D_fin=fin_diameter, t_fin=fin_thickness, k_fin=k_fin, h=h) h_total_area_basis = (efficiency*A_fin + A_tube_showing)/A*h h_bare_tube_basis = h_total_area_basis*A_increase return h_bare_tube_basis
[docs]def h_ESDU_high_fin(m, A, A_min, A_increase, A_fin, A_tube_showing, tube_diameter, fin_diameter, fin_thickness, bare_length, pitch_parallel, pitch_normal, tube_rows, rho, Cp, mu, k, k_fin, Pr_wall=None): r'''Calculates the air side heat transfer coefficient for an air cooler or other finned tube bundle with the formulas of [2]_ as presented in [1]_. .. math:: Nu = 0.242 Re^{0.658} \left(\frac{\text{bare length}} {\text{fin height}}\right)^{0.297} \left(\frac{P_1}{P_2}\right)^{-0.091} P_r^{1/3}\cdot F_1\cdot F_2 .. math:: h_{A,total} = \frac{\eta A_{fin} + A_{bare, showing}}{A_{total}} h .. math:: h_{bare,total} = A_{increase} h_{A,total} Parameters ---------- m : float Mass flow rate of air across the tube bank, [kg/s] A : float Surface area of combined finned and non-finned area exposed for heat transfer, [m^2] A_min : float Minimum air flow area, [m^2] A_increase : float Ratio of actual surface area to bare tube surface area :math:`A_{increase} = \frac{A_{tube}}{A_{bare, total/tube}}`, [-] A_fin : float Surface area of all fins in the bundle, [m^2] A_tube_showing : float Area of the bare tube which is exposed in the bundle, [m^2] tube_diameter : float Diameter of the bare tube, [m] fin_diameter : float Outer diameter of each tube after including the fin on both sides, [m] fin_thickness : float Thickness of the fins, [m] bare_length : float Length of bare tube between two fins :math:`\text{bare length} = \text{fin interval} - t_{fin}`, [m] pitch_parallel : float Distance between tube center along a line parallel to the flow; has been called `longitudinal` pitch, `pp`, `s2`, `SL`, and `p2`, [m] pitch_normal : float Distance between tube centers in a line 90° to the line of flow; has been called the `transverse` pitch, `pn`, `s1`, `ST`, and `p1`, [m] tube_rows : int Number of tube rows per bundle, [-] rho : float Average (bulk) density of air across the tube bank, [kg/m^3] Cp : float Average (bulk) heat capacity of air across the tube bank, [J/kg/K] mu : float Average (bulk) viscosity of air across the tube bank, [Pa*s] k : float Average (bulk) thermal conductivity of air across the tube bank, [W/m/K] k_fin : float Thermal conductivity of the fin, [W/m/K] Pr_wall : float, optional Prandtl number at the wall temperature; provide if a correction with the defaults parameters is desired; otherwise apply the correction elsewhere, [-] Returns ------- h_bare_tube_basis : float Air side heat transfer coefficient on a bare-tube surface area as if there were no fins present basis, [W/K/m^2] Notes ----- The tube-row count correction factor is 1 for four or more rows, 0.92 for three rows, 0.84 for two rows, and 0.76 for one row according to [1]_. The property correction factor can be disabled by not specifying `Pr_wall`. A Prandtl number exponent of 0.26 is recommended in [1]_ for heating and cooling for both liquids and gases. Examples -------- >>> from fluids.geometry import AirCooledExchanger >>> from scipy.constants import inch >>> AC = AirCooledExchanger(tube_rows=4, tube_passes=4, tubes_per_row=20, tube_length=3, ... tube_diameter=1*inch, fin_thickness=0.000406, fin_density=1/0.002309, ... pitch_normal=.06033, pitch_parallel=.05207, ... fin_height=0.0159, tube_thickness=(.0254-.0186)/2, ... bundles_per_bay=1, parallel_bays=1, corbels=True) >>> h_ESDU_high_fin(m=21.56, A=AC.A, A_min=AC.A_min, A_increase=AC.A_increase, A_fin=AC.A_fin, ... A_tube_showing=AC.A_tube_showing, tube_diameter=AC.tube_diameter, ... fin_diameter=AC.fin_diameter, bare_length=AC.bare_length, ... fin_thickness=AC.fin_thickness, tube_rows=AC.tube_rows, ... pitch_normal=AC.pitch_normal, pitch_parallel=AC.pitch_parallel, ... rho=1.161, Cp=1007., mu=1.85E-5, k=0.0263, k_fin=205) 1390.88891804 References ---------- .. [1] Hewitt, G. L. Shires, T. Reg Bott G. F., George L. Shires, and T. R. Bott. Process Heat Transfer. 1st edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1994. .. [2] "High-Fin Staggered Tube Banks: Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop for Turbulent Single Phase Gas Flow." ESDU 86022 (October 1, 1986). .. [3] Rabas, T. J., and J. Taborek. "Survey of Turbulent Forced-Convection Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Low-Finned Tube Banks in Cross Flow." Heat Transfer Engineering 8, no. 2 (January 1987): 49-62. ''' fin_height = 0.5*(fin_diameter - tube_diameter) V_max = m/(A_min*rho) Re = Reynolds(V=V_max, D=tube_diameter, rho=rho, mu=mu) Pr = Prandtl(Cp=Cp, mu=mu, k=k) Nu = 0.242*Re**0.658*(bare_length/fin_height)**0.297*(pitch_normal/pitch_parallel)**-0.091*Pr**(1/3.) if tube_rows < 2: F2 = 0.76 elif tube_rows < 3: F2 = 0.84 elif tube_rows < 4: F2 = 0.92 else: F2 = 1.0 Nu *= F2 if Pr_wall is not None: F1 = wall_factor(Pr=Pr, Pr_wall=Pr_wall, Pr_heating_coeff=0.26, Pr_cooling_coeff=0.26, property_option=WALL_FACTOR_PRANDTL) Nu *= F1 h = k/tube_diameter*Nu efficiency = fin_efficiency_Kern_Kraus(Do=tube_diameter, D_fin=fin_diameter, t_fin=fin_thickness, k_fin=k_fin, h=h) h_total_area_basis = (efficiency*A_fin + A_tube_showing)/A*h h_bare_tube_basis = h_total_area_basis*A_increase return h_bare_tube_basis
[docs]def h_ESDU_low_fin(m, A, A_min, A_increase, A_fin, A_tube_showing, tube_diameter, fin_diameter, fin_thickness, bare_length, pitch_parallel, pitch_normal, tube_rows, rho, Cp, mu, k, k_fin, Pr_wall=None): r'''Calculates the air side heat transfer coefficient for an air cooler or other finned tube bundle with low fins using the formulas of [1]_ as presented in [2]_ (and also [3]_). .. math:: Nu = 0.183Re^{0.7} \left(\frac{\text{bare length}}{\text{fin height}} \right)^{0.36}\left(\frac{p_1}{D_{o}}\right)^{0.06} \left(\frac{\text{fin height}}{D_o}\right)^{0.11} Pr^{0.36} \cdot F_1\cdot F_2 .. math:: h_{A,total} = \frac{\eta A_{fin} + A_{bare, showing}}{A_{total}} h .. math:: h_{bare,total} = A_{increase} h_{A,total} Parameters ---------- m : float Mass flow rate of air across the tube bank, [kg/s] A : float Surface area of combined finned and non-finned area exposed for heat transfer, [m^2] A_min : float Minimum air flow area, [m^2] A_increase : float Ratio of actual surface area to bare tube surface area :math:`A_{increase} = \frac{A_{tube}}{A_{bare, total/tube}}`, [-] A_fin : float Surface area of all fins in the bundle, [m^2] A_tube_showing : float Area of the bare tube which is exposed in the bundle, [m^2] tube_diameter : float Diameter of the bare tube, [m] fin_diameter : float Outer diameter of each tube after including the fin on both sides, [m] fin_thickness : float Thickness of the fins, [m] bare_length : float Length of bare tube between two fins :math:`\text{bare length} = \text{fin interval} - t_{fin}`, [m] pitch_parallel : float Distance between tube center along a line parallel to the flow; has been called `longitudinal` pitch, `pp`, `s2`, `SL`, and `p2`, [m] pitch_normal : float Distance between tube centers in a line 90° to the line of flow; has been called the `transverse` pitch, `pn`, `s1`, `ST`, and `p1`, [m] tube_rows : int Number of tube rows per bundle, [-] rho : float Average (bulk) density of air across the tube bank, [kg/m^3] Cp : float Average (bulk) heat capacity of air across the tube bank, [J/kg/K] mu : float Average (bulk) viscosity of air across the tube bank, [Pa*s] k : float Average (bulk) thermal conductivity of air across the tube bank, [W/m/K] k_fin : float Thermal conductivity of the fin, [W/m/K] Pr_wall : float, optional Prandtl number at the wall temperature; provide if a correction with the defaults parameters is desired; otherwise apply the correction elsewhere, [-] Returns ------- h_bare_tube_basis : float Air side heat transfer coefficient on a bare-tube surface area as if there were no fins present basis, [W/K/m^2] Notes ----- The tube-row count correction factor `F2` can be disabled by setting `tube_rows` to 10. The property correction factor `F1` can be disabled by not specifying `Pr_wall`. A Prandtl number exponent of 0.26 is recommended in [1]_ for heating and cooling for both liquids and gases. There is a third correction factor in [1]_ for tube angles not 30, 45, or 60 degrees, but it is not fully explained and it is not shown in [2]_. Another correction factor is in [2]_ for flow at an angle; however it would not make sense to apply it to finned tube banks due to the blockage by the fins. Examples -------- >>> from fluids.geometry import AirCooledExchanger >>> AC = AirCooledExchanger(tube_rows=4, tube_passes=4, tubes_per_row=8, tube_length=0.5, ... tube_diameter=0.0164, fin_thickness=0.001, fin_density=1/0.003, ... pitch_normal=0.0313, pitch_parallel=0.0271, fin_height=0.0041, corbels=True) >>> h_ESDU_low_fin(m=0.914, A=AC.A, A_min=AC.A_min, A_increase=AC.A_increase, A_fin=AC.A_fin, ... A_tube_showing=AC.A_tube_showing, tube_diameter=AC.tube_diameter, ... fin_diameter=AC.fin_diameter, bare_length=AC.bare_length, ... fin_thickness=AC.fin_thickness, tube_rows=AC.tube_rows, ... pitch_normal=AC.pitch_normal, pitch_parallel=AC.pitch_parallel, ... rho=1.217, Cp=1007., mu=1.8E-5, k=0.0253, k_fin=15) 553.85383647 References ---------- .. [1] Hewitt, G. L. Shires, T. Reg Bott G. F., George L. Shires, and T. R. Bott. Process Heat Transfer. 1st edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1994. .. [2] "High-Fin Staggered Tube Banks: Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop for Turbulent Single Phase Gas Flow." ESDU 86022 (October 1, 1986). .. [3] Rabas, T. J., and J. Taborek. "Survey of Turbulent Forced-Convection Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Low-Finned Tube Banks in Cross Flow." Heat Transfer Engineering 8, no. 2 (January 1987): 49-62. ''' fin_height = 0.5*(fin_diameter - tube_diameter) V_max = m/(A_min*rho) Re = Reynolds(V=V_max, D=tube_diameter, rho=rho, mu=mu) Pr = Prandtl(Cp=Cp, mu=mu, k=k) Nu = (0.183*Re**0.7*(bare_length/fin_height)**0.36 *(pitch_normal/fin_diameter)**0.06 *(fin_height/fin_diameter)**0.11*Pr**0.36) staggered = abs(1 - pitch_normal/pitch_parallel) > 0.05 F2 = ESDU_tube_row_correction(tube_rows=tube_rows, staggered=staggered) Nu *= F2 if Pr_wall is not None: F1 = wall_factor(Pr=Pr, Pr_wall=Pr_wall, Pr_heating_coeff=0.26, Pr_cooling_coeff=0.26, property_option=WALL_FACTOR_PRANDTL) Nu *= F1 h = k/tube_diameter*Nu efficiency = fin_efficiency_Kern_Kraus(Do=tube_diameter, D_fin=fin_diameter, t_fin=fin_thickness, k_fin=k_fin, h=h) h_total_area_basis = (efficiency*A_fin + A_tube_showing)/A*h h_bare_tube_basis = h_total_area_basis*A_increase return h_bare_tube_basis
[docs]def h_Ganguli_VDI(m, A, A_min, A_increase, A_fin, A_tube_showing, tube_diameter, fin_diameter, fin_thickness, bare_length, pitch_parallel, pitch_normal, tube_rows, rho, Cp, mu, k, k_fin): r'''Calculates the air side heat transfer coefficient for an air cooler or other finned tube bundle with the formulas of [1]_ as modified in [2]_. Inline: .. math:: Nu_d = 0.22Re_d^{0.6}\left(\frac{A}{A_{tube,only}}\right)^{-0.15}Pr^{1/3} Staggered: .. math:: Nu_d = 0.38 Re_d^{0.6}\left(\frac{A}{A_{tube,only}}\right)^{-0.15}Pr^{1/3} Parameters ---------- m : float Mass flow rate of air across the tube bank, [kg/s] A : float Surface area of combined finned and non-finned area exposed for heat transfer, [m^2] A_min : float Minimum air flow area, [m^2] A_increase : float Ratio of actual surface area to bare tube surface area :math:`A_{increase} = \frac{A_{tube}}{A_{bare, total/tube}}`, [-] A_fin : float Surface area of all fins in the bundle, [m^2] A_tube_showing : float Area of the bare tube which is exposed in the bundle, [m^2] tube_diameter : float Diameter of the bare tube, [m] fin_diameter : float Outer diameter of each tube after including the fin on both sides, [m] fin_thickness : float Thickness of the fins, [m] bare_length : float Length of bare tube between two fins :math:`\text{bare length} = \text{fin interval} - t_{fin}`, [m] pitch_parallel : float Distance between tube center along a line parallel to the flow; has been called `longitudinal` pitch, `pp`, `s2`, `SL`, and `p2`, [m] pitch_normal : float Distance between tube centers in a line 90° to the line of flow; has been called the `transverse` pitch, `pn`, `s1`, `ST`, and `p1`, [m] tube_rows : int Number of tube rows per bundle, [-] rho : float Average (bulk) density of air across the tube bank, [kg/m^3] Cp : float Average (bulk) heat capacity of air across the tube bank, [J/kg/K] mu : float Average (bulk) viscosity of air across the tube bank, [Pa*s] k : float Average (bulk) thermal conductivity of air across the tube bank, [W/m/K] k_fin : float Thermal conductivity of the fin, [W/m/K] Returns ------- h_bare_tube_basis : float Air side heat transfer coefficient on a bare-tube surface area as if there were no fins present basis, [W/K/m^2] Notes ----- The VDI modifications were developed in comparison with HTFS and HTRI data according to [2]_. For cases where the tube row count is less than four, the coefficients are modified in [2]_. For the inline case, 0.2 replaces 0.22. For the stagered cases, the coefficient is 0.2, 0.33, 0.36 for 1, 2, or 3 tube rows respectively. The model is also showin in [4]_. Examples -------- Example 12.1 in [3]_: >>> from fluids.geometry import AirCooledExchanger >>> from scipy.constants import foot, inch >>> AC = AirCooledExchanger(tube_rows=4, tube_passes=4, tubes_per_row=56, tube_length=36*foot, ... tube_diameter=1*inch, fin_thickness=0.013*inch, fin_density=10/inch, ... angle=30, pitch_normal=2.5*inch, fin_height=0.625*inch, corbels=True) >>> h_Ganguli_VDI(m=130.70315, A=AC.A, A_min=AC.A_min, A_increase=AC.A_increase, A_fin=AC.A_fin, ... A_tube_showing=AC.A_tube_showing, tube_diameter=AC.tube_diameter, ... fin_diameter=AC.fin_diameter, bare_length=AC.bare_length, ... fin_thickness=AC.fin_thickness, tube_rows=AC.tube_rows, ... pitch_parallel=AC.pitch_parallel, pitch_normal=AC.pitch_normal, ... rho=1.2013848, Cp=1009.0188, mu=1.9304793e-05, k=0.027864828, k_fin=238) 969.285081857 References ---------- .. [1] Ganguli, A., S. S. Tung, and J. Taborek. "Parametric Study of Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Finned Tube Geometry." In AIChE Symposium Series, 81:122-28, 1985. .. [2] Gesellschaft, V. D. I., ed. VDI Heat Atlas. 2nd edition. Berlin; New York:: Springer, 2010. .. [3] Serth, Robert W., and Thomas Lestina. Process Heat Transfer: Principles, Applications and Rules of Thumb. Academic Press, 2014. .. [4] Kroger, Detlev. Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers and Cooling Towers: Thermal-Flow Performance Evaluation and Design, Vol. 1. Tulsa, Okl: PennWell Corp., 2004. ''' V_max = m/(A_min*rho) Re = Reynolds(V=V_max, D=tube_diameter, rho=rho, mu=mu) Pr = Prandtl(Cp=Cp, mu=mu, k=k) if abs(1 - pitch_normal/pitch_parallel) < 0.05: # in-line, with a tolerance of 0.05 proximity if tube_rows < 4: coeff = 0.2 else: coeff = 0.22 else: # staggered if tube_rows == 1: coeff = 0.2 elif tube_rows == 2: coeff = 0.33 elif tube_rows == 3: coeff = 0.36 else: coeff = 0.38 # VDI example shows the ratio is of the total area, to the original bare tube area # Serth example would match Nu = 47.22 except for lazy rounding Nu = coeff*Re**0.6*Pr**(1/3.)*(A_increase)**-0.15 h = k/tube_diameter*Nu efficiency = fin_efficiency_Kern_Kraus(Do=tube_diameter, D_fin=fin_diameter, t_fin=fin_thickness, k_fin=k_fin, h=h) h_total_area_basis = (efficiency*A_fin + A_tube_showing)/A*h h_bare_tube_basis = h_total_area_basis*A_increase return h_bare_tube_basis
[docs]def dP_ESDU_high_fin(m, A_min, A_increase, flow_area_contraction_ratio, tube_diameter, pitch_parallel, pitch_normal, tube_rows, rho, mu): r'''Calculates the air-side pressure drop for a high-finned tube bank according to the ESDU [1]_ method, as described in [2]_. This includes the effects of friction of the fin, and acceleration. .. math:: \Delta P = (K_{acc} + n_{rows} K_{f}) \frac{1}{2}\rho v_{max}^2 .. math:: K_{f} = 4.567 Re_D^{-0.242} \left(\frac{A}{A_{tube,only}} \right)^{0.504} \left(\frac{p_1}{D_o}\right)^{-0.376} \left(\frac{p_2}{D_{o}}\right)^{-0.546} .. math:: K_{acc} = 1 + \text{(flow area contraction ratio)}^2 Parameters ---------- m : float Mass flow rate of air across the tube bank, [kg/s] A_min : float Minimum air flow area, [m^2] A_increase : float Ratio of actual surface area to bare tube surface area :math:`A_{increase} = \frac{A_{tube}}{A_{bare, total/tube}}`, [-] flow_area_contraction_ratio : float Ratio of `A_min` to `A_face`, [-] tube_diameter : float Diameter of the bare tube, [m] pitch_parallel : float Distance between tube center along a line parallel to the flow; has been called `longitudinal` pitch, `pp`, `s2`, `SL`, and `p2`, [m] pitch_normal : float Distance between tube centers in a line 90° to the line of flow; has been called the `transverse` pitch, `pn`, `s1`, `ST`, and `p1`, [m] tube_rows : int Number of tube rows per bundle, [-] rho : float Average (bulk) density of air across the tube bank, [kg/m^3] mu : float Average (bulk) viscosity of air across the tube bank, [Pa*s] Returns ------- dP : float Overall pressure drop across the finned tube bank, [Pa] Notes ----- The data used by the ESDU covered: * fin density 4 to 11/inch * tube outer diameters 3/8 to 2 inches * fin heights 1/3 to 5/8 inches * fin tip to fin root diameters 1.2 to 2.4 * Reynolds numbers 5000 to 50000 [1]_ claims 72% of experimental points were within 10% of the results of the correlation. The Reynolds number used in this equation is that based on `V_max`, calculated using the minimum flow area. Examples -------- >>> from fluids.geometry import AirCooledExchanger >>> AC = AirCooledExchanger(tube_rows=4, tube_passes=4, tubes_per_row=8, tube_length=0.5, ... tube_diameter=0.0164, fin_thickness=0.001, fin_density=1/0.003, ... pitch_normal=0.0313, pitch_parallel=0.0271, fin_height=0.0041, corbels=True) >>> dP_ESDU_high_fin(m=0.914, A_min=AC.A_min, A_increase=AC.A_increase, flow_area_contraction_ratio=AC.flow_area_contraction_ratio, tube_diameter=AC.tube_diameter, pitch_parallel=AC.pitch_parallel, pitch_normal=AC.pitch_normal, tube_rows=AC.tube_rows, rho=1.217, mu=0.000018) 485.630768779 References ---------- .. [1] "High-Fin Staggered Tube Banks: Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop for Turbulent Single Phase Gas Flow." ESDU (October 1, 1986). .. [2] Hewitt, G. L. Shires T. Reg Bott G. F., George L. Shires, and T. R. Bott. Process Heat Transfer. 1E. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1994. ''' Vmax = m/(A_min*rho) Re = Vmax*tube_diameter*rho/mu Kf = (4.567*Re**-0.242*(A_increase)**0.504 *(pitch_normal/tube_diameter)**-0.376 *(pitch_parallel/tube_diameter)**-0.546) Ka = 1.0 + flow_area_contraction_ratio*flow_area_contraction_ratio dP = (Ka + tube_rows*Kf)*0.5*rho*Vmax*Vmax return dP
[docs]def dP_ESDU_low_fin(m, A_min, A_increase, flow_area_contraction_ratio, tube_diameter, fin_height, bare_length, pitch_parallel, pitch_normal, tube_rows, rho, mu): r'''Calculates the air-side pressure drop for a low-finned tube bank according to the ESDU [1]_ method, as described in [2]_. This includes the effects of friction of the fin, and acceleration. .. math:: \Delta P = (K_{acc} + n_{rows} K_{f}) \frac{1}{2}\rho v_{max}^2 .. math:: K_{f} = 4.71 Re_D^{-0.286} \left(\frac{\text{fin height}} {\text{bare length}}\right)^{0.51} \left(\frac{p_1 - D_o}{p_2 - D_o}\right)^{0.536} \left(\frac{D_o}{p_1 - D_o}\right)^{0.36} .. math:: K_{acc} = 1 + \text{(flow area contraction ratio)}^2 Parameters ---------- m : float Mass flow rate of air across the tube bank, [kg/s] A_min : float Minimum air flow area, [m^2] A_increase : float Ratio of actual surface area to bare tube surface area :math:`A_{increase} = \frac{A_{tube}}{A_{bare, total/tube}}`, [-] flow_area_contraction_ratio : float Ratio of `A_min` to `A_face`, [-] tube_diameter : float Diameter of the bare tube, [m] fin_height : float Height above bare tube of the tube fins, [m] bare_length : float Length of bare tube between two fins :math:`\text{bare length} = \text{fin interval} - t_{fin}`, [m] pitch_parallel : float Distance between tube center along a line parallel to the flow; has been called `longitudinal` pitch, `pp`, `s2`, `SL`, and `p2`, [m] pitch_normal : float Distance between tube centers in a line 90° to the line of flow; has been called the `transverse` pitch, `pn`, `s1`, `ST`, and `p1`, [m] tube_rows : int Number of tube rows per bundle, [-] rho : float Average (bulk) density of air across the tube bank, [kg/m^3] mu : float Average (bulk) viscosity of air across the tube bank, [Pa*s] Returns ------- dP : float Overall pressure drop across the finned tube bank, [Pa] Notes ----- Low fins are fins which were formed on the tube outside wall, normally by the cold rolling process. The data used by the ESDU covered: * fin density 11 to 32/inch * tube outer diameters 0.5 to 1.25 inches * fin heights 0.03 to 0.1 inches * Reynolds numbers 1000 to 80000 [1]_ compared this correlation with 81 results and obtained a standard deviation of 7.7%. The Reynolds number used in this equation is that based on `V_max`, calculated using the minimum flow area. Examples -------- >>> from fluids.geometry import AirCooledExchanger >>> AC = AirCooledExchanger(tube_rows=4, tube_passes=4, tubes_per_row=8, tube_length=0.5, ... tube_diameter=0.0164, fin_thickness=0.001, fin_density=1/0.003, ... pitch_normal=0.0313, pitch_parallel=0.0271, fin_height=0.0041, corbels=True) >>> dP_ESDU_low_fin(m=0.914, A_min=AC.A_min, A_increase=AC.A_increase, ... flow_area_contraction_ratio=AC.flow_area_contraction_ratio, ... tube_diameter=AC.tube_diameter, fin_height=AC.fin_height, ... bare_length=AC.bare_length, pitch_parallel=AC.pitch_parallel, ... pitch_normal=AC.pitch_normal, tube_rows=AC.tube_rows, rho=1.217, ... mu=0.000018) 464.5433141865 References ---------- .. [1] "High-Fin Staggered Tube Banks: Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop for Turbulent Single Phase Gas Flow." ESDU (October 1, 1986). .. [2] Hewitt, G. L. Shires T. Reg Bott G. F., George L. Shires, and T. R. Bott. Process Heat Transfer. 1E. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1994. ''' Vmax = m/(A_min*rho) Re = Vmax*tube_diameter*rho/mu Kf = (4.72*Re**-0.286*(fin_height/bare_length)**0.51 *((pitch_normal-tube_diameter)/(pitch_parallel-tube_diameter))**0.536 *(tube_diameter/(pitch_normal-tube_diameter))**0.36) Ka = 1.0 + flow_area_contraction_ratio*flow_area_contraction_ratio dP = (Ka + tube_rows*Kf)*0.5*rho*Vmax*Vmax return dP
"""Three more correlations - Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Dry Tower Extended Surfaces: Data Analysis and Correlation. Pacific Northwest Laboratory, 1976. * said to be in common use in Cao, Eduardo. Heat Transfer in Process Engineering. McGraw Hill Professional, 2009. Kroger - Mirković """